Chapter 6

"Lord, I find it hard to talk to people about Jesus.

Many say they know Jesus, they write about Christ, they make sacrifices, they pray in His name.
Today they see him in India, tomorrow in Germany. Some of them accept him as a philosopher, others as a revolutionary or the first socialist in history.
Some people accept him as the incarnated God, but very few accept him as a personal savior, as an atonement for their guilt. This is why I would like you to tell me about Jesus."

"Jesus and I are one 52. With the Holy Spirit we are God. We are three different people but we are one spiritual being 53. This reality is now incomprehensible for you, but when your mind will be regenerated, you will understand fully this characteristic of mine 54.
However I will try to explain it to you through an example: You are mind, body and spirit. Three elements, well defined, that cannot be separated.
Without one of these elements you are nothing; you too, are a small "trinity".

Jesus Christ became flesh, He was made man 55. For a brief time he was perfectly God and man alike, the perfect union, the ideal mediator between man and God 56.

He is the Creator of all things and without him nothing was made 57.

Man alone could not be saved from divine condemnation 58.
Each man is responsible for his own life and for his own sins 59. For each transgression of the law there is a punishment 60.

I am not like men, nothing passes me by; Because of my righteousness I have to judge every evil action. Nothing else can attempt to restore things.
No human effort can compensate for sin 61; without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin 62. This is the law that I have established so that righteousness may exist.
If sin could be forgiven without blood, everybody, with no distinction, should be saved, including Satan, for he is as much one of my creatures as man is, submitted to my judgement.
If this were the case, there would be no justice and evil would prosper; this is exactly what's going on right now, on earth, where justice is ministered by men.

Instead I have decided to destroy iniquity.

What I'm trying to say is that the shedding of blood for the sin of each individual man was necessary to satisfy divine justice. Someone had to pay for the sin of man, in order to save him from an inevitable condemnation 63. Someone I could accept, someone who didn't have to pay for his own sin, that was holy and pure 64.
Jesus was the only being without sin 65; He could pay for someone else.

As you know, if Christ hadn't died on the cross, if He hadn't been condemned for your fault, and I hadn't resurrected him from the dead 66, you could not be saved, and you could not be called a son of God today."


"Lord, even in a Christian country like Italy, nobody seems to consider that you are coming back soon 67.
But your Word speaks so clearly about your return.
I am afraid to talk to people about these things, because I fear they would mock me, but I realize that this is what already happened to the apostles 69.
I realize that it's very important to tell people about your return.
What can I do to make this message clear in my time?"


"If you let others influence you, you will become slave of their judgement 70.
This is not something new: man didn't believe the truth in the past, my crucifixion proved it, and now things are getting even worse 71.
Everything man needs to know about me is written in the Bible.

A witness of mine has the duty of making my message of salvation known 72.

In no way my Word 73 can be changed; the nature of truth cannot be changed in order to be more acceptable to man.
I only require that the Gospel be preached and I will take care of the rest 74.

My second coming will take place exactly as it is written in the Gospel and in the letters of the New Testament.
To the careful reader the Scripture points out the importance that my return has for every human being.
When I will return to catch up the saints of my church 75, for humanity and in particular for Israel, a time of hardship will begin for all humanity. 76

My return will be unexpected and not understood as it was for my first coming 77.

And like two thousand years ago, those who should have recognized me crucified me, once again man will not understand. There is nothing new under the sun 78."

Chapter 7

The Book in other languages
L'Amico Silenzioso
L'Ami Silencieux
Der Stille Freund

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