Chapter 4

"Heavenly Father, I am honored to be able to present myself before your presence with this simplicity. It's a strange feeling to be able to be frank with you, the Creator of the universe and talk to you freely. I would like to learn and tell others how you are, let them know your characteristics, your personality. I would like to learn how to tell them what you think about the important human issues. If I were seated before you physically, to my question on who you are, I am sure you would tell me:

" Dear son, I know you cannot understand completely the reality and the depth of what I say to you but I'll tell you briefly who I am: I am a spiritual being 24, I don't have any material ties and I am eternal 25. I have always been and I will be forever. I have no dimensions because there are no dimensions that can contain me. I have no time limitation, because time cannot influence me.

I am the owner of time, I am omnipotent 26, because my power is total.

My will is not submitted to any limit, I am omnipresent and omniscient 27 because my knowledge is total, nobody is like me, I am the initiator 28 of everything; I have a personality and a very well defined will 29.

Man cannot see a spiritual being, even though humanity itself lives in me 30; I can read your thoughts 31 and nothing can be hidden from me.

I am the God of freedom 32; I don't force people to do anything, I am discrete, and I am meek.

I have decided that one day I will judge humanity 33, but until that day, the heart, that I’ve made and that I have given to man, will stay in his hands.
The same thing is for the life of man: it belongs to whoever I choose to give it to. I am the silent God 34, sharp on time, precise, faithful, good, not capable of doing evil; everything I do and say is good and brings good fruit 35.
I am a person that loves to have a personal relationship with each human being 36, either male or female, adult or child, free or slave, without need of a mediator. I know each individual's personality and everything without distinction, nobody is excluded, no matter what one believes 37".

Chapter 5

The Book in other languages
L'Amico Silenzioso
L'Ami Silencieux
Der Stille Freund

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