Chapter 8

"Dear Father, I realize the I live in a world surrounded by wars, conflicts, dishonesty and violence. Even inside myself there is a conflict between my carnality, or may instinct to do bad, and my mind and the knowledge I have of the things that please you.
My enemy operates in the world where I live. He is also a spirit like You; I can't see him but I clearly see the consequences of his presence.
I would like to understand more clearly who this enemy is, in order to defend myself better . Who is Satan?"


"In my Word Satan 90 or Devil is defined like this: the evil, the enemy, the prince of this world, the god of this century.
Devil means adversary, slanderer, the most powerful of the fallen spirits. In the beginning he was a perfect creature, empowered of extraordinary glory and authority. But he wanted to be like me; He wasn’t' satisfied the way he was , even though he was marvelous. Since then he has always fought against me; everything he learned in my presence, he is now using against me and against everything that belongs to me. His work is incessant 92, well organized, systematic, he leads his army with an iron rod, he is a murderer, a thief, a liar, false, hypocrite, opportunist and cunning. He is very powerful on earth and is capable of controlling entire populations for a long period of time."


"Dear Father, how can I live without fear or panic in a world controlled by my enemy 93? What shall I fear? And why on the contrary, should I remain calm when he attacks?"


"You must be careful not to underestimate Satan; he has control of many people who externally seem very nice and good 94. He makes them believe he doesn't exist, but in reality he plays the leading role in everyday life.
On the contrary, if you live in communion with me, emotionally you will not experiment his negative effect, but if you try to fight him with your own strength, or if you underestimate him, then depression, fear and anguish will be there to overtake you 96.
When you begin to walk away from me you feel good and at peace, but that is only because Satan kindly leads you to the trap he has already prepared for you to bring you to self-destruction. Remember! All this is more likely to happen to a child of mine than to another 97.
Like a sadist torturer hits his victims, Satan will not respond to your cry for mercy; the agony and despair of man only makes him happier. He wants your death; He desires all men to die.

One of the instruments that Satan uses to subject men to himself in this century, is drugs. He enables all those who merchandise or use drugs to prosper. All around drugs lies corruption, deceit, violence, murder, and these are all characteristics that belong to Satan 98.
Drug drives man away from reality, absorbs all their attention, it enslaves, it makes dependant. It forces you to live by it, excluding all other things.

Even if he tries, man alone cannot free himself from drugs.

Drug is like sin. Once it owns you, it will not let go of you easily; It kills psychologically and it annihilates the personality. This is exactly what happens spiritually with sin: it produces spiritual death 99 and makes people slaves.
Satan controls mankind through sin; it is like the Mafia where one is pushed to kill in order to become a "man of honor". Murder only ties him more to the "family". In the same way Satan pushes man to sin, one sin after the other. It's like lies: one leads to another, until you are completely trapped. You can clearly see Satan's power on earth 100 just by looking at all the corruption, the lies, the hypocrisy, the hatred and all evil in general. And this is nothing but the beginning. 101.

I will allow Satan to gain more and more power, for this is what man has chosen, but I will never stop calling to me those who seek me 102, near me, until the day in which I will say "stop", my righteousness will be shown and every knee shall bow 103 and will recognize that I am God, the Creator; That day the enemy will be destroyed 104.

Satan is a leader and for this reason he wants people to worship him; he always tries to influence their minds. At the same time he despises his followers, because he needs them and without them he would not have any power. He wants people to believe that there is no way out of the anguish of death or of the circumstances that himself has created in the world.

But this is true only for the Devil himself. Man has a way out as long as he is alive 105. Satan is the master of outward appearances while inside reign terror, hatred, falsehood and hypocrisy.

Satan is trying to destroy my kingdom; he wants to annihilate my image, because he believes that if he destroys me, then he will be god.

Man is separated from my will and doesn't want to follow my teachings. The Devil despises value and this is the way he keeps people tightly in his hand.
Nowadays all human kind sees adultery as attractive. Nobody seems to realize what is behind all this. Nobody is aware of the big change in every day priorities: this is the great deception of Satan.
The media are the instruments through which values become shaky. Their words seem to protect precious values such as the family, honesty and truth, but their actions are contradictory. All this leads to a great confusion.
Confusion is the pedestal from which you can control others. Dictators have all taken advantage of situations of chaos; they want to be like idols and in their perversion they believe to be god themselves.

As you can well see, the antichrist will not rise our of a peaceful, organized, neat and serene situation 106; This is why Satan acts the way he does: he is preparing his way to absolute power.

In the same way as in history every dictator appeared to be the savior of people reduced to misery and despair, so it will happen for the last dominator 107.

Do not be surprised if Satan will come as an angel of light 108.
There is something about human stupidity that really baffles me and it is the opinion that they have of Satan, their deadly enemy.
Many do not believe that Satan exists; Others believe that he exists but are not able to see what he is doing.
What do they think? Do they believe that such an intelligent being, so powerful and cunning doesn't know exactly what he wants and will leave people undisturbed until the day of Judgement?
How can man believe that an evil and corrupted being such as Satan can resign from doing evil or not accomplish the plan to be God?

Only a fool ignores his enemy while he is fighting, and this is exactly what man is doing.

Satan's biggest lie is to lead man to believe that what he perceives is the truth.
Satan pushes man to trust in his own emotions and it is through these emotions and sensations, that he will, and partially has already got, control of the masses.
Finally I want to say that Satan knows he is getting closer to the end of his dominion, so he is trying to shoot all his best bullets 109, and the final ones will be even more terrible for humanity 110.
But in the end, Satan will be tied up for a thousand years 111, until Judgement Day, the day when he will be totally destroyed 112."

Chapter 9

The Book in other languages
L'Amico Silenzioso
L'Ami Silencieux
Der Stille Freund

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